This pieces of art tries to find answers to the questions: 
What is Time? 
Has it always existed? 
How does it look like? and Can we stop it? 
Can we go back in time or forward?
Who invented time?
Does time feel the same all around the globe?
Those time feel the same when you’re in love?
Lighthouse guides lost souls
Broken clock strikes midnight hour
Old woman waits on

Spring brings hope and light
Lighthouse illuminates path
Clock ticks towards new

Old woman watches
Time passes like a shifting sands
Lighthouse keeps her safe
Al mysterious 
Time's elusive wings flutter
Seeking understand

Past, present, future
A tapestry woven tight
Threads we cannot grasp
Tick tock, unending
Time's steady march fast forward
Can we pause its beat?
Film are inspired by a very great artist 
Oona Libens
More inspiration 
full of days, charlottenborg jubilee
Eternal time


Eternal time

Private project
